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Lee, K. K. W. & Chan, C. K. Y. (2023). Establishing a dynamic understanding of factors that influence university students’ leadership approaches, perceptions, and skills through a systematic literature review. Educational Research Review, 41, 100570.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Hu, W. (2023). Students’ voices on generative AI: perceptions, benefits, and challenges in higher education. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 20.

Luo, J., & Chan, C.K.Y. (2023). Twenty years of assessment policies in China: A focus on assessing students’ holistic development. International Journal of Chinese Education, 12(2).

Luo, J., & Chan, C.K.Y. (2023). Assessing students’ holistic development in China: managerialism, market, and performativity as policy technologies. Asia Pacific Education Review.

Luo, J., & Chan, C.K.Y. (2023). Exploring the process of evaluative judgement: the case of engineering students judging intercultural competence. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 48(7), 951-965.

Chan, C.K.Y. (2023). A Review of the Changes in Higher Education Assessment and Grading Policy During COVID-19, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 48(6), 874-887.

Luo, J. & Chan, C.K.Y. (2023) Conceptualising evaluative judgement in the context of holistic competency development: results of a Delphi study, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 48(4), 513-528.

Chan, C.K.Y., Tsi, L.H.Y., & Yeung, N.C.J. (2022). An Adapted 3P (Precursor-Process-Product) Framework for Development of Holistic Competencies – “Approach to Develop” in Out of Classroom Studies in Educational Evaluation. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 75.

Wong, H.Y.H., & Chan, C.K.Y. (2022). Assessing engineering students’ perspectives of entrepreneurship education within higher education: a comparative study in Hong Kong, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 48(6), 847-859.

Luo, J., & Chan, C.K.Y. (2022). Qualitative methods to assess intercultural competence in higher education research: A systematic review with practical implications. Educational Research Review, 37.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Luk, Y.Y.L. (2022). Eight years after the 3-3-4 curriculum reform: The current state of undergraduates’ holistic competency development in Hong Kong. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 74.

Luo, J., & Chan, C.K.Y. (2022). Influences of shadow education on the ecology of education – A review of the literature. Educational Research Review, 36.

Wong, H.Y.H., & Chan, C.K.Y. (2022). A systemic review on the learning outcomes in entrepreneurship education within higher education settings. Assessment & Education in Higher Education, 47(8), 1213-1230.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Luo, J. (2022). Youth mentoring strategies and impacts on holistic competencies of secondary school students in Hong Kong. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Chen, S.W. (2022). Students’ perceptions on the recognition of holistic competency achievement: A systemic mixed review. Educational Research Review, 35.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Luk, Y.Y.L. (2022). Academics’ beliefs towards holistic competency development and assessment: A case study in engineering education. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 72.

Chan, C. K. Y. & Luk, Y. Y. L. (2022). A four-dimensional framework for teacher assessment literacy in holistic competencies. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 47(5), 755-769.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Luo, J. (2022). Investigating student preparedness for holistic competency assessment: Insights from the Hong Kong context. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 47(4), 636-651.

Luk, Y.Y.L., & Chan, C.K.Y. (2022). Students’ learning outcomes from engineering internship: A provisional framework. Studies in Continuing Education, 44(3), 526-545.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Luo, J. (2022). Exploring teacher perceptions of different types of ‘feedback practices’ in higher education: implications for teacher feedback literacy. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 47(1), 61-76.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Luk, L.Y.Y. (2022). Going “grade-free”? – Teachers’ and students’ perceived value and grading preferences for holistic competency assessment. Higher Education Research & Development, 41(3), 647-664.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Luo, J. (2022). Towards an inclusive student partnership: rethinking mentors’ disposition and holistic competency development in near-peer mentoring. Teaching in Higher Education, 27(7), 874-891.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Wong, H.Y.H. (2021). Students’ perception of written, audio, video and face-to-face reflective approaches for holistic competency development. Active Learning in Higher Education, 24(3), 239-256.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Lee, K.K.W. (2021). Constructive alignment between generic competencies development and assessment in Hong Kong engineering education. Journal of Engineering Education, 110(2), 437-457.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Yeung, N.C.J. (2021). To assess or not to assess holistic competencies – Student perspectives in Hong Kong. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 68.

Chan C.K.Y., & Lee, K.K.W. (2021). Reflection literacy: A multilevel perspective on the challenges of using reflections in higher education through a comprehensive literature review. Educational Research Review, 32.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Luk, L.Y.Y. (2021). Development and validation of an instrument measuring undergraduate students’ perceived holistic competencies. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 46(3), 467-482.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Luo, J. (2021). A four-dimensional conceptual framework for student assessment literacy in holistic competency development. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 46(3), 451-466.

Chan, C.K.Y., Luo, J., Lee. K.K.W., Wong, H.Y.H., & Liu, E.K.Y. (2020). What are the Essential Characteristics for Curriculum Design to Engage Asian Students in Developing their Self-confidence? Curriculum and Teaching, 35(2), 25-44.

Luk, L.Y.Y., & Chan, C.K.Y. (2020). Adaptation and validation of the Work Experience Questionnaire for investigating engineering students’ internship experience. Journal of Engineering Education, 109(4), 801-820.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Luo, J. (2020). An exploratory study on teacher assessment literacy: Do novice university teachers know how to assess students’ written reflection?. Teachers and Teaching, 26(2), 214-228.

Cheng, M.W.T., & Chan C.K.Y. (2020). Do university residential experiences contribute to holistic education?. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management (CJHE), 42(1), 31-48.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Yeung, N.C.J. (2020). Students’ ‘approach to develop’ in holistic competency: an adaption of the 3P model. Educational Psychology, 40(5), 622-642.

Cheng, M.W.T., Lee, K.K.W., & Chan, C.K.Y. (2018). Generic Skills Development in Discipline-Specific Courses in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review. Curriculum and Teaching, 33(2), 47-65.

Chan, C.K.Y., & Fong, E.T.Y. (2018). Disciplinary differences and implications for the development of generic skills: a study of engineering and business students’ perceptions of generic skills. European Journal of Engineering Education, 43(6), 927-949.

Chan, C.K.Y., Fong, E.T.Y., Luk, L.Y.Y., & Ho, R. (2017). A review of literature on challenges in the development and implementation of generic competencies in higher education curriculum. International Journal of Educational Development, 57, 1-10.

Chan, C.K.Y., Zhao, Y., & Luk, L.Y.Y. (2017). A validated and reliable instrument investigating engineering students’ perceptions of competency in generic skills. Journal of Engineering Education, 106(2), 299-325.

Yang, M., Luk, L.Y.Y., Webster, B.J., Chau, A.W.L., & Ma, C.H.K. (2016). The role of international service-learning in facilitating undergraduate students’ self-exploration. Journal of Studies in International Education, 20(5), 416-436.

Chan, C.K.Y. (2012). Assessment for community service types of experiential learning in the engineering discipline. European Journal Of Engineering Education, 37(1), 29-38.

Chan, C.K.Y. (2012). Identifying and understanding the graduate attributes learning outcomes in a case study of community service experiential learning project. International Journal Of Continuing Engineering Education And Life-long Learning, 22(1/2), 148-159.